Wednesday, July 23, 2008

really hope i am wrong, but the way obama has been talking lately, he is moving ever to the center. woh is he trying to impress, the undecided voters? in my mind, he is only disillusioning the very supporters he appealed to in the first place. time will tell i guess. i see him rolling over mccain (bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb iran) in november...

please, please, please... no attacking iran.

noise in this world... the (english) beat... too much noise... buzzing like a fridge... background, foreground, middle ground, middle east, mid-west, iowa...

time to disconnect. really, what am i missing, CNN? myspace, tmz, entertainment tonight, idle/idol? EZ access to what, information, knowledge, facts, opinions?

what about the time when we were not connected... did we miss what we did not know? ignorance is bliss? as kids, what the helll did we know? riding bikes, playing outside. i remember hearing about the "world wide web" as a collge senior. how was my mind, blown? four years of being pretty disconnected from the outside world, yet i knew myself.

people know about miley cyrus, but don't know their neighbors' names.

checking... what if i miss a call, a post, an email...

what if i miss me? what if i miss my wife? what if i miss my grandfather?

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